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Blacks gripe about lack of money, parity -- not the president

Blacks gripe about lack of money, parity -- not the president

yahoo contributor network buried this story all the way in the back of some blog and called it "old news" in the web address. i guess if it has nothing to do with the majority it is of little interest to them. whatever. Amplify’d from COMMENTARY | The Congressional Black Caucus awards dinner address by President Barack Obama last weekend has been a long time coming. President Obama told us all throughout the 2008 presidential campaign election that he was tough but many didn't understand how tough. We don't have any guidance on the issue of what can happen during the term of the nation's first black president. As an Obama supporter, I had grand ideas and definitions to frame the first black presidency. However, I was just glad I did not have to explain to my then-9-year-old son why a black man had never been president. Internationally, people realized Obama is the American president and our needs in this country are his first priority. Some di
CA college bake sale a teachable moment

CA college bake sale a teachable moment

This weekend on TJ Holmes' CNN show, there was an interesting segment on a young man, a college group and a college bake sale. It wasn't that baked goods are fattening but the price list for said baked goods. White men pay $2 for a cookie as opposed to a Native American woman who would pay nothing. Ask a NA woman the last time she got anything of value that she wanted for free. Right. I guess the point is white men have to pay for every other minority including women, are at the top of the pecking order or are better than everyone else, deserve to not have to consider anyone other than themselves, etc. The bake sale price list says lots of things this young man is in agreement with and he doesn't even know it. That is just how young he is. Look at what this doe-eyed little guy is admitting. It's would be almost sweet if it wasn't so painfully wrong. Instead of getting on the college student for verbalizing a long standing notion, why don't we teach several valu
Everybody has to pay their fair share

Everybody has to pay their fair share

Today the President spoke on the American Jobs Act and for how it will be financed. It will will be a balance of restructuring social programs, the tax code and rescinding temporary tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans and wealthiest American companies because they don't need them anymore. The GOP is fussy about the tax breaks because they want the wealthiest to continue to get them. The President said it s time to live within our means without starving the poorest Americans in the process. Amplify’d from A week ago today, I sent Congress the American Jobs Act.  It’s a plan that will lead to new jobs for teachers, for construction workers, for veterans, and for the unemployed.  It will cut taxes for every small business owner and virtually every working man and woman in America.  And the proposals in this jobs bill are the kinds that have been supported by Democrats and Republicans in the past.  So there shouldn’t be any reason for Congress to drag its feet.