
Showing posts from July, 2011

Is default deadline truly Aug 2? Analysts say no | Reuters

Is default deadline truly Aug 2? Analysts say no | Reuters : "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Republican Senator Admits That He Wants To Bring America Down | AddictingInfo.Org

Republican Senator Admits That He Wants To Bring America Down | AddictingInfo.Org : "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Starfish Impact on Humans Obvious as Barrier Reef Crumbles - Associated Content from Yahoo! -

Starfish Impact on Humans Obvious as Barrier Reef Crumbles - Associated Content from Yahoo! - : "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

There's a Solution to the Debt Fight That Could Avert Catastrophe -- Why Is Everyone Ignoring It? | News & Politics | AlterNet

There's a Solution to the Debt Fight That Could Avert Catastrophe -- Why Is Everyone Ignoring It? | News & Politics | AlterNet : "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Bringing Healthy, Affordable Food to Underserved Communities | The White House

Bringing Healthy, Affordable Food to Underserved Communities | The White House : "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Kudos, First Lady! I wish that somehow, qualified individuals from the food desert communities could be pulled to start these farmer's markets and fresh food oasis. Long-established black churches can offer recommendations from their trustee boards for youngish people to have stores where they live and raise families above the stores, if necessary or become off-site owners. That way, new wealth could be created in the communities they serve and those dollars can circulate in the community. Those loans can be SBA/government-backed for a short period until profitability could be established. Local food suppliers, churches and the community would profit. It could even lead to new food suppliers establishing themselves and thus widen the economic chain. Those employers would employ people from the communities they serve. From the establishment of this economic ci

smaller-raises-for-seniors-smartmoney: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

smaller-raises-for-seniors-smartmoney: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance : "Of course, lower benefits are part of the point. Using the slower-rising index is being billed by many including President Barack Obama's fiscal responsibility commission and the Bipartisan Policy Center -- as a way to generate much-needed savings to help deal with the country's mounting debt crisis. In fact, the savings could amount to an estimated $112 billion over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. 'This is a start in helping us fix Social Security,' says David John, a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation. But critics say the new proposal only makes a bad system worse. The current measurement of inflation is supposed to account for the spending habits of adults of all ages, including only a small proportion of retirees. That doesn't reflect the true inflation seniors face, says Moshe A. Milevsky, a finance professor at York University in Toronto. For

United States gubernatorial elections, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United States gubernatorial elections, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Mike Pence is no friend to Northwest Indiana. Do not let him win governorship of this state. Jim Wallace won't campaign past Indianapolis--Northwest Indiana Republicans. Let this be a note to the wise. Northwest Indiana had better support a man who supports Lake County. Our vote is valuable, we don't have to give it away to just anyone. AS FOUND ON WIKIPEDIA so grain-of-salt it. Main article: Indiana gubernatorial election, 2012 Governor Mitch Daniels will be term-limited in 2012. Mike Pence , a Republican currently serving his sixth term in the U.S. House of Representatives, has announced his candidacy for his party's nomination. Pence (who has funraised over one million dollars) and whose announcement was anticipated by his resignation of a leading position in the GOP caucus in the House, is regarded as the favorite for election. [14] In

Freshman U.S. senator gives Obama debt-limit fits | Reuters

Freshman U.S. senator gives Obama debt-limit fits | Reuters : "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Definition of a Corporate right robber barren. He cares not for the American People but only protects the interests of big business. Big business cannot seem to find a way to hire the American People because they don't care about the American People--they care about huge profits only. Who elected this person to the U.S. Senate? Couldn't have been the American People. That would be like shooting ourselves in the foot.

Ways and Means Dems. Want Robust, Enforceable Disciplines on State-Owned and State-Supported Enterprises #BigBusinessShouldNotHurt

Press Release :: NEWS: Ways and Means Democrats Call for Robust, Enforceable Disciplines on State-Owned and State-Supported Enterprises in Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement : " GOP Ways and Means seem to think unfair advantages will help the US but they are wrong. Read what Dem. Ways and Means Committee has to say about unfair advantages. Big Business should not hurt Americans it should help Americans.

During Bush Presidency, Current GOP Leaders Voted 19 Times To Increase Debt Limit By $4 Trillion | ThinkProgress

During Bush Presidency, Current GOP Leaders Voted 19 Times To Increase Debt Limit By $4 Trillion | ThinkProgress : "- Sent using Google Toolbar"